Five things to do when you’re in Piazza Navona – Piazza Navona in imperial ages was a stadium. Its baroque layout was commissioned by the Pamphili family. Take same pics with the famous Bernini fountains. Did it? Ok, lets go in via di Tor Millina, searching for Chiostro del Bramante. Here there are always belle mostre, nice exhibitions. Take a look to their dates here. Is it l’ora dell’aperitivo (time to drink)? A Campari Spritz (Campari, sparkling wine and soda) is always a good idea! My tip is Bar del Fico, where locals have aperitivo before dinner. Another place that I recommend is Salotto 42. I often go there in the afternoon for a cup of tea or in the evening for a Moscow mule.

Now you are in Piazza di Pietra, for me one of the best place in Rome. Take a selfie with Adriano temple. Vuoi un caffè? Need an italian espresso? Walk towards Piazza del Pantheon (another pic, clic!). Behind the monument there is a small square, Piazza Sant’Eustachio, where you may found the homonym bar, Caffè Sant’Eustachio. Someone thinks that they make the best espresso in the town. For me is un po’ troppo dolce, sweet a little too much. Try it and then tell me your thoughts.

If you ask me for a typical italian restaurant nearby, I answer search it in Piazza delle Coppelle. It hosts an open air vegetable market till the afternoon. But in the evening the square changes its face, fills up with the tables of restaurants. What else?! Finally, even if you are not interested politics, go through via del Plebiscito. There is Palazzo Grazioli, the house of mister Silvio Berlusconi. Look at the windows of the second floor: one of those is the bedroom where is located the famous lettone di Putin, the canopy bed given by russian president 🙂
Discovering Campo de’ Fiori: six tips – I lived in Campo de’ Fiori for four years. It is the typical neighborhood of the old town: small streets with Sampietrini (stone paved), ancient palaces owned by the ecclesiastical nobility, restaurants with outdoor tables set with tovaglie a quadri (checkered tablecloths). But in some cases, it is an artificial reality created just to attract tourists. So be careful to the sòle (cheats!). Every day in Campo de’ Fiori square there is an open air market. You can buy fresh fruit, vegetable and spices. Not clothes (often are fake) or souvenir (too expensive).

If you can say NO! to the buttadentro (promoters) of the square bars and restaurants, I suggest to move nearby for eating and drinking. In five minutes you’ll arrive at Salumeria Roscioli. Ham, salami, mozzarella, but also raw fish and ostiche. Good? Locals love this place. Very close there is the bakery Antico Forno Roscioli. Same surname, same owner. A piece of their hot pizza margherita is always a good idea for a morning or afternoon snack. It fights against the Forno of Campo de’ Fiori for who makes the best pizza in the district. I know who is the winner, but tell me you’re opinion about! Another street fooder is Supplizio. Here you can taste the Supplì, a sicilian rice ball cooked in several ways.
Other sights nearby are Piazza Farnese (with Palazzo Farnese where is hosted the French Ambassy) and the bellissima Via Giulia. Aperitiviamo?! Funny way of locals to say: lets have a drink! Nearby I usually go at Barnum cafè, good cocktails made by a bartender with vintage moustache 🙂

At late night I have a secret to share with you. There is a small and hidden bar nearby, where can enter only people who know the password: The Jerry Thomas Project. I like the atmosphere and the cocktails they serve. Excellent vermouth distilled from themself and nice preparation. It is the only place where, after three Negroni, I’m still shiny! 🙂 Do you want to know the password?!

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